Sunday, May 9, 2010

Trailer Park

There are very few things I like more than a really good trailer.  That is part of the reason I love seeing movies in the theater.  While most people plan to arrive 15 minutes late, just in time for the opening credits, I get my seat 15 minutes early, anxiously anticipating the four or so previews.  It's like its own little presentation, one I am equally if not more excited about seeing.  And if they suck, well that is kind of a bummer for the actual feature.  The ones that really get me instantly give me chills.  And a decisive score or musical choice doesn't hurt either.  Trailer for Atonement and There Will Be Blood are still some of the best I've seen.  Elements that do not bode well: anything that starts with "In a world.... in a deep, announcer-y voice.  Or divulging the entire plot in 2 minutes.  Or anything starring Miley Cyrus.....

The latest trailer to do that is the public education documentary Waiting for Superman.

Matisyahu + adorable kids + astounding realities = chills.  Directed by Academy Award-winner David Guggenheim, the film chronicles the declining school system and the kids paying the price.  

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